you should give the rules about ' and - in the description
about the (resolved) issue below, I'd suggest to reword the description saying that the rules have to be applied in order: first matching condition applies.
For companions,snoinapmoc, is expected rather than SNOINAPMOC,. I suppose only the first transformation applies? It's should be specified in the description.
this is still ambiguously defined:
Fixed by saudiGuy.
python new test framework is required. updated in this fork
The description is baddly formatted :
In this kata you will have to modify a sentence so that it meets the following rules:
longer than 6 characters
orhas 2 or more 'T' or 't' in it
: convert every word backwardselse if
exactly 2 characters long
orbefore a comma
: convert every word to uppercase:else if
exactly one character long
: convert every word to "0"Hi,
in the descriptionresolved
thanks, just add some random tests too ideally
Yes, sorry for not including that in the description.
is expected rather thanSNOINAPMOC,
. I suppose only the first transformation applies? It's should be specified in the description.k
I worked it out by trail and error, but be clearer on your rules, like do you mean: OR or XOR, 'T' or 't'. Be explicit on how to handle punctuation.
Also needs random tests.