Thank you rbeer for your alternative Python translation. However, I am not positive that your working solution passes all tests as when a number is passed in as a string, your program does not handle it properly according to the established Python test cases.
May you please fix the code for the working solution so it passes all random tests every time? Once the problem is fixed I will use your Python translation as it more accurately reflects the original intent of this Kata.
Sidenote: Next time if you want to publish a Kata translation, you may want to click on the "plus" sign on the language selection bar and do it the official way - this way, you will gain honor every time a Kata translation is approved ;)
That is true; only the Javascript version of this Kata is bug fixing, in both Python and Ruby you pretty much have to code it from scratch because they are approved translations created by other users who have contributed to this Kata.
However, instead of changing the exercise itself (Python/Ruby version) maybe I will simply edit the description to make it clearer what is expected in each language.
Changed the code template, now is properly bug fixing for every language; thanks for the feed :)
Thank you rbeer for your alternative Python translation. However, I am not positive that your working solution passes all tests as when a number is passed in as a string, your program does not handle it properly according to the established Python test cases.
May you please fix the code for the working solution so it passes all random tests every time? Once the problem is fixed I will use your Python translation as it more accurately reflects the original intent of this Kata.
Sidenote: Next time if you want to publish a Kata translation, you may want to click on the "plus" sign on the language selection bar and do it the official way - this way, you will gain honor every time a Kata translation is approved ;)
Description updated. Objective should now be clear in every approved language.
Issue resolved.
Hello rbeer,
That is true; only the Javascript version of this Kata is bug fixing, in both Python and Ruby you pretty much have to code it from scratch because they are approved translations created by other users who have contributed to this Kata.
However, instead of changing the exercise itself (Python/Ruby version) maybe I will simply edit the description to make it clearer what is expected in each language.
Thank you for your feedback.