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    Has the test case in C# been fixed yet?

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    It seems there is a bug in the last test case in C#. Here is the error message I got.

    Should return "1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55"
    Expected string length 40 but was 32. Strings differ at index 1.
    Expected: "11, 11, 2(, 3, 5\r, 8ò, =Å, E}, R\b, gK, "
    But was: "1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55"

    So obviously my result is same to "should return" but because of the corrupted expected I can't pass this Kata...

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    Sorry but it doesn't help me much. Like I said, I have copy the solution from ceccomilani and still got this error message (unless the solution accidentally passed the tests)...

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    Somehow I keep getting the below compilation error even I tested with the success solution. Anyone knows why?

    /home/codewarrior/fixture.cs(22,63): error CS1056: Unexpected character ' /home/codewarrior/fixture.cs(22,59): error CS1644: Feature `declaration expression' cannot be used because it is not part of the C# 6.0 language specification Error: Command failed: mcs -out:/home/codewarrior/test.dll -lib:/home/codewarrior,/runner/frameworks/csharp/mono-4.5,/runner/frameworks/csharp/nunit/bin -langversion:Default -sdk:4.5 -warn:2 -target:library -r:nunit.core.dll,nunit.framework.dll,nunit.core.interfaces.dll,nunit.util,Newtonsoft.Json.dll -r:System.Numerics.dll -r:System.Drawing.dll -r:System.Data.dll -r:System.Data.SQLite.dll -r:System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll -r:System.IO.dll -r:System.Linq.dll -r:System.Linq.Dynamic.dll -r:System.Linq.Expressions.dll -r:System.Messaging.dll -r:System.Threading.Tasks.dll -r:System.Xml.dll -r:Mono.Linq.Expressions.dll /home/codewarrior/code.cs /home/codewarrior/fixture.cs /home/codewarrior/setup.cs /home/codewarrior/fixture.cs(22,63): error CS1056: Unexpected character '
    /home/codewarrior/fixture.cs(22,59): error CS1644: Feature `declaration expression' cannot be used because it is not part of the C# 6.0 language specification