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    I don't care about the shame, this is not about me being arrogant and a total prick to you just so i try to look better or whatever you misinterpreted. It is about an url in a one sentence description. What kind of docs/specs/requirements have that little amount of information? Even the String to_s has more info though you don't need any explanation on calling a string representation method on a string object. And also beginners don't know about that the drop_while method is part of the Ruby API, so they don't assume they need to search docs/info for it, and even if they would, searching Google for solutions to these katas defeats their purpose. I understand that my first reply(that was written 1 yr ago) was wrong, i got it, i redid the kata, i found out about the drop_while method in the Ruby API, but then i saw other comments and re-raised the issue.. Sorry to have pissed you off mate, but you need to be more responsive to people needs, even if you don't really solve them. Now I am still waiting for a proper description, since this kata is for beginners. I can suggest one if needed. Again this is not about me being smart or arrogant, I just saw other people having the same issue, and I am being pushy about this improvement.

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    @Voile, really 'helpful' mate, I appreciate that you took the time to reply by denying the problem with the description to me and everyone else here

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    The prime test isn't working : It expects [8,13] but 13 is prime so it is skipped...The actual result,[8] should be correct