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    You're right. His solution doesn't correctly validate all sudokus - it just passes all the test cases. Find any valid sudoku and swap the 6th and 7th rows to create an example invalid solution that this solution incorrectly passes.

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    Instructions need clarification about the fields in the arrays.

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    Hey Ricardo! Yeah I thought it was you. I just started codewars :) Thanks man. Hope you're doing good as well!

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    Hey Freddy, what's up bro? This is Ricardo, from Ayu!

    Hope you're well

    I just got it, thanks!

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    I think it means that if a 'Bag' object does not have any elements in it, then it should not blow up the tests. So your code should still work even for 'Bag' objects that happen to not have anything in it.

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    I don't know what it means with "Empty bags should pass all tests.", anybody?

    I also can't see the output for any kata.
