I really don't know what I'm doing and where to type. I have NEVER done coding before but has always been interested in it. So, I am looking at the instructions but I don't know where to put it plus I now don't know if that is what the program wants me to type. Again, a true newbie here. Can I have some help please to learn how to get passed the 8 kyu sentence smash? I just need help on learning and from that, what to do...
Hello. My code corret work im my computer, but here I get error "EOFError: EOF when reading a line". I read in Internet that this mistake to appear if use code from python3 on online editor where use python2. What can I do in this situation?
[JavaScript] While having 10 fixed assertions in the entire test suite is not that bad, it is still somewhat insufficient in preventing logically flawed and/or hardcoded solutions from passing. You should either (1) increase the total number of unique, distinct fixed assertions to at least 20including edge cases or (2) write 100+ random tests as per standard Codewars practice and is generally preferred over just fixed tests.
Groovy Translation
Rust translation
I really don't know what I'm doing and where to type. I have NEVER done coding before but has always been interested in it. So, I am looking at the instructions but I don't know where to put it plus I now don't know if that is what the program wants me to type. Again, a true newbie here. Can I have some help please to learn how to get passed the 8 kyu sentence smash? I just need help on learning and from that, what to do...
Racket tests seem to be using strict comparison for non-integers.
The description incorrectly mentions the array can contain integer values, whereas the C translation has an
array.Ruby should be updated to 3.0
Hello. My code corret work im my computer, but here I get error "EOFError: EOF when reading a line". I read in Internet that this mistake to appear if use code from python3 on online editor where use python2. What can I do in this situation?
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Kotlin translation and
Clojure translation both with random Tests.
Fixed Go translation with resolved merge conflicts and fuzzy equality test for doubles.
Clojure: no random tests
The use of loops and conditions is not tested, and the last sentence is complete nonsense. This should be removed.
Most languages don't have random tests.
Why do all the solutions voted as "Best Practice" have an O(n^2) runtime when there are easy to understand solutions with O(n) runtime?
Codewars Forums - Kata Best Practices - Have Full Code Coverage
[JavaScript] While having 10 fixed assertions in the entire test suite is not that bad, it is still somewhat insufficient in preventing logically flawed and/or hardcoded solutions from passing. You should either (1) increase the total number of unique, distinct fixed assertions to at least 20 including edge cases or (2) write 100+ random tests as per standard Codewars practice and is generally preferred over just fixed tests.
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