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    In JavaScript, in the test cases the dealer is not expected to win if both players have the same sum of cards.


    Dealer: Jason has the cards: 5, 5, 11
    Player: Jimmi has the cards: 10, 11
    The total sum of Dealer Jason's cards are 21
    The total sum of Player Jimmi's cards are 21
    Expected: 'Jimmi', instead got: 'Jason'


    Dealer: Frank has the cards: 5, 5, 11
    Player: Brandon has the cards: 10, 11
    The total sum of Dealer Frank's cards are 21
    The total sum of Player Brandon's cards are 21
    Expected: 'Brandon', instead got: 'Frank'

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    @LarisaOvchinnikova That was not true, I had valid responses and it was not accepting my responses, for now the issue seems to be resolved (with the same script).

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Probably bad practice to have a global variable lingering because of this, but it's still fun that you were able to get it on one line. :P

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    This is an awesome use case for Boolean! Awesome work!