Things not clear to me which could be added to the description:
let data = function( ) { return 42; }; data.someProperty = 42;
I'm pretty sure deep search of an element is duplicate to an existing kata.
Well, maybe except this kata also has functions. But otherwise it's nothing new.
For sure! only one test? WTF?
I think this kata needs some better test cases!
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
Thank you, much better :D
Random test cases added
OK, random test cases added. First Kata authored, never occured to me that anyone would waste their time providing obvious cheat solutions. Will bear this in mind in future.
I second this.
Loading collection data...
Things not clear to me which could be added to the description:
?let data = function( ) { return 42; }; data.someProperty = 42;
I'm pretty sure deep search of an element is duplicate to an existing kata.
Well, maybe except this kata also has functions. But otherwise it's nothing new.
For sure!
only one test? WTF?
I think this kata needs some better test cases!
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
Thank you, much better :D
Random test cases added
OK, random test cases added. First Kata authored, never occured to me that anyone would waste their time providing obvious cheat solutions. Will bear this in mind in future.
I second this.
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