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    There is only one path and it maintains a width of = ok;
    Aliens move one square per turn = ok;
    Turrets only fire toward enemies in range = ok;
    Turret target priority is toward the enemy within shooting range that is furthest along on the path = ok;
    Turret shooting timing = ok;

    All rules are followed.
    Alien 11 breaks through with 6HP and alien 13 dies in cell 8. I looked at every move and every turret attack they are correct. But for some reason the test says it should return 3, but my code will return 6.

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    There is no such Roman numeral, no. 1990 is MCMXC.

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    Isn’t it logical if 1990=MXM? Or is there no such Roman numeral?

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    Guys, tell me which blows starts the first move. Turn by iteration list or should the list be sorted? If you need to sort the list, then by what criteria?

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    Can't make heads or tails of what you're saying. What's a cycle?
    Note that you sometimes print out the documents, but not always. Maybe you're looking at the wrong document.
    In my solution I'm able to re-order the nationality-check and expiration-check and it's passing either way.
    regarding what's logical, it doesn't matter what you think makes sense, only what the spec is. in this case, either order is fine.

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    you have to check the passport first, since that states the nationality, which in turn is something that the vaccination check relies on.
    the other documents can be checked to be missing later. Detainment still takes priority though. I ran the tests 1000 times (to ensure it's not a fluke) locally with all document-missing checks except passport happening after vaccination checks. and that passed.

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    This kata cannot be performed in one cycle. My code will take the first document and check if everything is ok in the first document. If there is a problem with the document's expiration date, it will return a message about this and terminate the program. But checking your nationality is your priority, because of this my code cannot pass this cata. Checking the expiration date of the document will take 1 cycle, and checking the nationality identity will take 2 cycles. Isn't it logical to prioritize checking expiration dates over checking nationality?

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    oh thanks bro )

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    One prime neighbour is enough. 17 should return true. The test is correct.

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    It is quite possible to print inputs. To show custom failure messages, you need to wrap the existing or define your own custom shouldBe. As far as I'm concerned, printing input is on solver. This is not 8kyu.

    In this fork, example tests are the same between Example Testing and Submit Testing and are visible in Example Tests ( I do that for exactly that reason ); random tests do show the generated value along with the failure message. If you pass Example Testing, you will never see a failure message without inputs in Submit Testing.


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    Haskell: [this fork] has better testing.

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    Haskell: this fork has better testing.

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