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    % means Modulo operation.

    if (x % 3 === 0) means x could be one of the values 0, 3, 6, 9, ..., x, 3x, ..., it could be -3, -6, -9 and ...

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    "/" is indeed used to divide.
    So: 4 / 2 is equal to 2
    And:6 / 3 is also equal to 2

    However when you use the % operation the result is equal to the remainder left after a division
    So: 4 % 2 is equal to 0 because there is no remainder when you divide 4 by 2
    However: 7 % 3 is equal to 1 because 1 is the remainder (3 X 2 )

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    Could someone please explain what is happening here? Isn't / used for divide and not %? What does % mean? I think I misunderstood the kata in that case, since I was trying to multiply and wasn't passing the right arguments. But when I tried it the other way around (dividing) nothing worked for the kata, so now I checked solution and people are using %. Guess I have to look that up... Not having English as my native language sure didn't help :)

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    I was able to get a solution to pass that only inserted a single comma. I think the tests need to be expanded for larger numbers EG: 234,234,2345,234.234234234