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    I guess either of these approaches would work, although neither of them are things I would do in practice to build a class hierarchy as described in the challenge :)

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    Juat tried to do a Kata that requires class inheritance, and since Java requires a class to be in a file of the same name, it is not possible to test using a class hierarchy.

    Is there a way to create the separate class files in order to do inheritance ?

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    I ended up having to add a toLowerCase to my hex format string because the test cases are looking for lower case alpha on the hex strings.

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    Appears to be missing a requirement to truly represent an anagram: the two strings shouldn't be identical.

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    I think you have one missing requirement for Anagrams: if the two strings are exactly the same, they aren't technically anagrams.

    To pass the random tests I had to remove the check for identical letters in the same order.

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    Javascript - I do ignore case, didn't check for punctuation so that's probably my miss, thanks !

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    OK, I'm failing on tests 3-5 on submission.

    Thought maybe they were testing an exact match (which wouldn't be an anagram), but that doesn't appear to be the case.

    Can you give me a hit as to what those tests are looking for - am I missing a requirement ?