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    The angle cannot be just a sum of other angles because it also depends on the length of the lines. Imagine just making BC longer, then the angle C0 would surely change.
    On the other hand, I also don't understand the choices of t, u and h, and between what lines the final angle should be measured. I think this is a flaw in the kata. I would expect all angles to be relative to either a fixed axis (like x, making the first angle not 30° but 120°) or to the current line (making the first angle 75°). The t, u and h seem totally arbitrary and don't make it clear, what the result is supposed to be.

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    The address column is to be replaced by the two columns "numbers" and "letters", each of which shall contain the respective characters from the address.

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    Did You maybe just switch numbers and letters?

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    The result should have a column "numbers" and a column "letters". Each of them should have all the numbers, respectively letters, from the column address, concatenated. Example: address = "10025NewYork3X" -> numbers = "100253", letters = "NewYorkX".

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    You can probably produce Your some output of Your own. I did so in the comparison-method, to at least see which hands were tested. Not perfect, but it still helped a lot.

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    Feels more like 8 kyu to me. Even if You don't know the solution then it is too trivial to google.

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    I'm confused too. What does the value 2 mean? What does it mean to have win and loss > 0 in one record? How can there be multiple wins with one move? Does it mean both fights were finished with the same move? But then why are there identical records, instead of fights with the same move being combined? Is it a "fighters" record or a "fights" record?

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    If $counter_x and $counter_y are both == 0, aren't they also equal, simplifying the last if statement?

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