can anyone explain what zip function does?
i think it's useful function...
yeah i understood that n is day after facing wrong answer but still didn't knew substracting from height can do the trick
oh i see, i used same logic to do it quickly but i didnt knew i had to subtract down speed once from height before doing this
the bash shell interprets {1...20} to be a continous sequence and fills in the numbers between
nah am train on this again
How this can be a BP. No readability, do not follow pip8 recs.
i feel so dumb
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
Swallowing any helpful error messages simply to return string "Error" does not seem like best practices to me.
Clever, concise, readable... best practice!
I'm sure you realized right after clicking Submit that you could've written return s + ' covfefe'
return s + ' covfefe'
I don't think the test cases should have passed this as each count is not on a separate line? The following would have worked, ignoring the while-loop requirement.
printf "Count: %s\n" {1..20}
Clever but the kata specifically said use a while loop.
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can anyone explain what zip function does?
i think it's useful function...
yeah i understood that n is day after facing wrong answer but still didn't knew substracting from height can do the trick
oh i see, i used same logic to do it quickly but i didnt knew i had to subtract down speed once from height before doing this
the bash shell interprets {1...20} to be a continous sequence and fills in the numbers between
nah am train on this again
How this can be a BP. No readability, do not follow pip8 recs.
i feel so dumb
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
Swallowing any helpful error messages simply to return string "Error" does not seem like best practices to me.
Clever, concise, readable... best practice!
I'm sure you realized right after clicking Submit that you could've written
return s + ' covfefe'
I don't think the test cases should have passed this as each count is not on a separate line?
The following would have worked, ignoring the while-loop requirement.
printf "Count: %s\n" {1..20}
Clever but the kata specifically said use a while loop.
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