the input(n) is first converted to unary (1=1, 2=11, 3=111, ...)
first part (^1?$) and the ending $ check for n=0 or n=1
in the second part, the regex uses basic divisor finding starting from 11(2 in decimal) (11+?)
\1+ matches the previous group (initially 11) repeated one or more times in the unary representation of n. If at any point there is no match (the number is not divisible), the engine backtracks to make 11->111 (2->3 in decimal) and the process is repeated.
e.g., even numbers (other than two) are pretty straightforward as they have an even number of ones (some multiple of 11 in unary, so the engine requires not backtracking)
for odd numbers that are not prime, for example n=9(111111111), (11+?) matches 11 initially, but \1+ cannot match as there are 7 remaining ones. the engine backtracks and (11+?) 111 while \1+ takes care of the remaining ones
for odd numbers that are prime, for example n=11, (11+?) matches the initial 11, but \1+ cannot match the remaining 5 ones. engine backtracks, checking for 3,4,5,... and the regex will not match.
yea, I changed the while to a for loop and the 6k one is faster almost always but the time difference is still in the same range and fluctuates wildly. I never realized that while loops are slower than for loops in python, ty for letting me know
you're comparing a while loop and a for one. In python, they behave differently about the perfs (while is slower) => those checks are meaningless in the current state.
hmm, the results of comparing the two often turns out to be wildly inconsistent in time difference but remains in the 1-10µs range, tho I found that the n = 19 and 1009 takes longer with 2k, n = 10000000019 takes less with the 2k one most of the time. Code used for testing:
importtimeitSETUP6K='''def prime_checker6k(n): if n < 4: return n > 1 if not (n % 2 and n % 3): return False for i in range(5, int(n ** 0.5)+1, 6): if not ((n % i) and (n % (i + 2))): return False return True'''SETUP2K='''def prime_checker2k(n): if n == 2: return True if n%2 == 0 or n < 2: return False for i in range(3, int(n**.5)+1, 2): if n%i == 0: return False return True'''defbench(n):
#print(f'Testing prime_checker2k and prime_checker6k with arg: {n}')a=timeit.timeit(stmt=f"prime_checker2k({n})", setup=SETUP2K, number=1)
b=timeit.timeit(stmt=f"prime_checker6k({n})", setup=SETUP6K, number=1)
#print(f'Time taken for prime_checker2k = {a}\t\tTime taken for prime_checker6k = {b}\t\t2k-6k = {a-b}\n')print(f'{"prime_checker2k"ifa<belse"prime_checker6k"} is faster')
print(f'6k-2k = {round(b-a,9)}')
hmm, the results of comparing the two often turns out to be wildly inconsistent in time difference but remains in the 1-10µs range, tho I found that the n = 19 and 1009 takes longer with 2k, n = 10000000019 takes less with the 2k one most of the time. Code used for testing:
importtimeitSETUP6K='''def prime_checker6k(n): if n < 4: return n > 1 if n % 2 == 0 or n % 3 == 0: return False i = 5 sqrt_n = int(n ** 0.5) while i <= sqrt_n: if n % i == 0 or n % (i + 2) == 0: return False i += 6 return True'''SETUP2K='''def prime_checker2k(n): if n == 2: return True if n%2 == 0 or n < 2: return False for i in range(3, int(n**.5)+1, 2): if n%i == 0: return False return True'''defbench(n):
#print(f'Testing prime_checker2k and prime_checker6k with arg: {n}')a=timeit.timeit(stmt=f"prime_checker2k({n})", setup=SETUP2K, number=1)
b=timeit.timeit(stmt=f"prime_checker6k({n})", setup=SETUP6K, number=1)
#print(f'Time taken for prime_checker2k = {a}\t\tTime taken for prime_checker6k = {b}\t\t2k-6k = {a-b}\n')print(f'{"prime_checker2k"ifa<belse"prime_checker6k"} is faster')
print(f'6k-2k = {round(b-a,9)}')
Your solution is 2k optimization (only ignores multiples of 2). My first solution is 6k optimization (ignores multiples of 2 and 3).
And last solution is 30k optimization (ignores multiples of 2, 3 and 5) — but in this solution, the constant is larger. Therefore, further I compare only 2k and 6k optimizations.
Is there some reason for creating this many kumites?
Do you have a problem with some functionality, or something does not work for you? Do you need any assistance?
the input(n) is first converted to unary (1=1, 2=11, 3=111, ...)
first part (
) and the ending$
check for n=0 or n=1in the second part, the regex uses basic divisor finding starting from 11(2 in decimal)
matches the previous group (initially 11) repeated one or more times in the unary representation of n. If at any point there is no match (the number is not divisible), the engine backtracks to make 11->111 (2->3 in decimal) and the process is repeated.e.g., even numbers (other than two) are pretty straightforward as they have an even number of ones (some multiple of
in unary, so the engine requires not backtracking)for odd numbers that are not prime, for example n=9(111111111),
matches 11 initially, but\1+
cannot match as there are 7 remaining ones. the engine backtracks and(11+?)
111 while\1+
takes care of the remaining onesfor odd numbers that are prime, for example n=11,
matches the initial 11, but\1+
cannot match the remaining 5 ones. engine backtracks, checking for 3,4,5,... and the regex will not match.Learnt it myself from here
How does this work?😁
this solution: 21.4 ms ± 587 µs
faster version: 13.4 ms ± 40.5 µs
★Faster version:
You might wanna try again, It wont work for n <= 1 and n == 4
yea, I changed the while to a for loop and the 6k one is faster almost always but the time difference is still in the same range and fluctuates wildly. I never realized that while loops are slower than for loops in python, ty for letting me know
you're comparing a while loop and a for one. In python, they behave differently about the perfs (while is slower) => those checks are meaningless in the current state.
also I have no idea why my reply got posted twice
hmm, the results of comparing the two often turns out to be wildly inconsistent in time difference but remains in the 1-10µs range, tho I found that the n = 19 and 1009 takes longer with 2k, n = 10000000019 takes less with the 2k one most of the time. Code used for testing:
hmm, the results of comparing the two often turns out to be wildly inconsistent in time difference but remains in the 1-10µs range, tho I found that the n = 19 and 1009 takes longer with 2k, n = 10000000019 takes less with the 2k one most of the time. Code used for testing:
Your solution is 2k optimization (only ignores multiples of 2).
My first solution is 6k optimization (ignores multiples of 2 and 3).
And last solution is 30k optimization (ignores multiples of 2, 3 and 5) — but in this solution, the constant is larger. Therefore, further I compare only 2k and 6k optimizations.
n = 19 (is prime)
n = 1009 (is prime)
n = 10000000019 (is prime)
You can also just use more arguments of the range function, probably faster because it should be implemented in C.
Thanks for pointing out that I failed to check the boundary condition. I have added a new fork with that corrected. Please check!
And, in this case n ** 0.5 is square root of the number n.
power: 2**3 = 8
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