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    i believe performance is always the main concern; it isnt about looking cool and getting it in one line; that is clever yes but not best practice; best practice means most efficient and clear and scalable (which means if you want to add or remove a aspect of the code you dont have to rework on all aspects of the code only the aspect you want to) ALWAYS!!!!

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    why isn't it necessary to cast to int?

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    What qualifies as "best practice" depends on the context. When performance is a concern, yes, an O(n) solution is best practice. When performance is not a concern, clarity and maintainability is best practice. Performance is generally not a concern when the potential number of items results in little or no discernable delay in processing. To be fair, though, I find this solution to be neither fastest nor clearest. I think what the author was going for was "most succinct."

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