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    Great kata! Thanks :)

  • Custom User Avatar

    looks to be clear to me now

  • Default User Avatar

    I've changed the example in the descriptions, so the output now matches the input (there was just some other random numbers in the output), and added some explanation what the balance is.
    Could you take a look is this any better? Any suggestions how could it be described in English if it is not clear enough?

  • Default User Avatar

    not bad at all, but difficult is 5 )

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    There is an implicit assumption that the input data will always be 1-minute interval data starting at 00:00 of some day and ends in 01:40, which then have to be processed into 5-minutes intervals.

    This information completely affects how the kata should be approached, so either it should be mentioned or the generated data should be made more generic.

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    This is still an issue. What does open and close even mean?

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    The description needs some rework:

    You need to write a sql query that will return the daily balance history from monetary operations tables for all the time.

    You should at least explain what a daily balance history is.

  • Default User Avatar

    6 months later, and I finally solved this kata. I was confused by the description. The balance should be a rolling amount over each day, this wasn't clear to me.

  • Default User Avatar

    I keep getting the discrepancy in the BigDecimal, eventhough both actual and expected are 0.8518265213. And I get this error with each of your sql kata's. Are you expecting a different numerical type than specified in the columns?

    expected: <BigDecimal:55b532a00770,'0.8518265213 3517E1',27(27)>
      actual: <BigDecimal:55b532c62748,'0.8518265213 3517E1',27(27)>
  • Default User Avatar

    I don't know what you changed, but without changing my code I now get this:

    Test Failed
    expected: 289
    got: 145

    I suddenly no longer return all the records.

  • Custom User Avatar

    updated, try again pls

  • Default User Avatar

    this keeps happening, I'm not doing any fiddling with the 'price', they look the same in the error message, and yet it keeps giving this error.

  • Custom User Avatar

    try again pls

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    A link is not an explanation.

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