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    Oh this must be sarcasm, isn't it?! Very polite from you.

    I am not stating that my solution is correct. I am just saying that my solution meets all necessary requirements and passes all sample tests and some extra tests. From the output I can see that my algorithm calculated as intentd but expected count is different. It doesn't mean it is correct whatsoever. I am sure that I am missing something but this is the problem of inconsistent description of problem.

    Moreover, all failing methods are named after randomX which gives me clue that test consists of piece of code which generates data input. How you can be sure that is correct? Maybe it was a coinsidence for 47 attempts that those methods generated correct data input?

    About the numbers. For your information, did you know that 141 is total attempts (I think), it does't mean that they completed? If I am not mistaken 47 from 141 (about the third) managed to finish it. Two thirds gave up. Me to moving on as well. Unlocking this Kata.

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    All random tests are failing. Are you sure that they are correct? I have doubts about these tests. How come all other edge cases scenarios are passsing but just not these random?

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    "Their time (relative to me)"

    Can you explain this in more details. Is it the time used in context of other car speed on used in context of my speed?
    For instance, -1.5 other car is ahead from me 1.5 mins by other card speed or by my speed?

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    Passed first sample test cases but failing other tests on submition. My logic says it should be fine but your test assertations says NO ITS WRONG. Just, wondering would it be possible to get all inputs of test methods?