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    The intermingling of symbol and string keys, and the arbitrary formatting hierarchy within is unnecessary (in that it doesn't contribute to the learning goal) and annoying.

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    You say to remove falsey values explicitly in the instructions, yet the ruby version submit random test cases include false and true values!

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    This is the same kata as another one in beta published by you

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    Ruby version is sloppy

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    Description is incredibly misleading as to the actual problem, ruby test cases should be provided.

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    Ruby version is incomplete.

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    nil test should be included in description

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    Yeah, I've only been coding for about 3 months, so I don't always assume anything, but I understand that you enjoy the "head bashing against the wall" practice, my head has not quite hardened up enough yet to enjoy it. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly and thank you for contributing lots of katas to the forum. :)

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    This is just "fizz buzz"

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    misread I thought in the description you said there would be no overtime issues, but you actually said no overflow issues, my mistake, however, I still think you should be up front about the edge cases. I've done a fair amount of your katas and I don't know if I'm going to anymore because I continually have to come up with two or three answers, because I'm not aware a timeout edge case is coming, I know you can't back edit. But if you could be more explicit about those things going foward I would really appreciate it.

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    Ruby test cases are fine. Go look at my solution, you messed up your decode, by moduloing it you make you shift positive not negative (check it out in irb for yourself) so your decode will continually be wrong, I'm suprised it made it passed the run test testcases. in the rare case that the decode shift is greater than -25 you would want to (% - 26) not (% 26). Hope that helps. :)
    Also on the decode your input is coming in in upcase so that is unneccessary in place adjustment, and generally with ciphers you don't adjust in place you generate a new string

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    If you're going to put a timeout issue in the kata, don't say that you're not. Extremely misleading.

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    They probably marked it up in difficulty because there are no "run test" test cases at least for the ruby translation, but I agree with you. I think run test test cases should be added and this should moved to 7 or 8

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    The explanation really needs some reworking, also the there are some serious issues with the Ruby translation's test cases on submit.

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    the ruby translation is incomplete and somewhat of a mess.

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