Great kata thanks i enjoyed
i'm sorry i shouldn't attack you like that i apologize.forgive me
try to be creative and try to reinvent the wheel sometime it's good to you and keep your brain acitve.
i mean the library sir.
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your algorthim is O(n) but it takes more steps because you are spliting the string and looping it
please help me ? why i got 12000 ms server error
Please Support this kata for php
Loading collection data...
Great kata thanks i enjoyed
i'm sorry i shouldn't attack you like that i apologize.forgive me
try to be creative and try to reinvent the wheel sometime it's good to you and keep your brain acitve.
i mean the library sir.
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your algorthim is O(n) but it takes more steps because you are spliting the string and looping it
please help me ? why i got 12000 ms server error
Please Support this kata for php