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    You're absolutely right. There is a functionality that you might not be familair with. It has to do with how random numbers are generated. Computers can't actually do truly random numbers, so your best bet is to figure out how computers return such a number. You don't need to go as far as look up any specific algorithm or anything, but just be familiar with the concept behind random number generation.

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    Well, in certain situations, you need to generate the same sequence of random numbers.

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    THank you! But what do you call this sort of operation? - "%.2X%.2X%.2X" % [arr]- I'm looking for a key term to google so I can learn more about how to use this tool, and how it works. Is it shorthand for something else?

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    Exactly my feeling, there must be something that I don't know that I don't know! I'm not even able too come up with a sensible google query for this one!

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    I feel like there is a fundemental principle or functionality at work here that I'm not familiar with, can someone point me in the right direction? What do i need to learn or read about to understand how to solve this? I see that there is a test generating a random number, and it seems that there should be a way for me to control the output of the test so I'm not just looping or guessing, right? Any direction is appreciated, thanks!