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    Thank you for explanation! Next time I will be more attentive.

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    Python, Basic Tests:
    "False should equal True" for Test.assert_equals(substring_test("supercalifragilisticexpialidocious","SoundOfItIsAtrocious"), True)
    str2 has "n" and str1 has not. So should be False.
    Please fix.

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    ['-3->0'] should equal ['-2', '0', '-1', '-3->-2']. Please fix.

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    --- Just couple lines from output (tests between populations deleted)

    Random tests
    Dictionary populated with ['gypf', 'dhk', 'tgojx', 'ygchn']
    Dictionary populated with ['z', 'je', 'igm', 'uepwg']
    Dictionary populated with ['vp', 'ycap', 'gwqau', 'xm', 'aahua']
    Testing for y....
    It should work for random inputs too: True should equal False

    --- Why should equal "False"? 'y....' matches 'ygchn', so "True" should be. Or random tests work just with last population? Please explain.