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    I guess I did this in the worst possible way. xD

    Btw, the tests for this Kata could be improved if it's possible.

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    Please indicate anagrams mean two words that contain the same letters AND the same number of each letter, ie abba is not an anagram of abbaa.

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    C# has a missing import in the solution setup.

    using System.Collections.Generic;
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    I have solved this kata in Rust, JS and Python. In Rust only the results need to be case sensitive. The description doesn't say a word about that, I guess either this should be clarified or case sensitive tests should be added in all languages.

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    Not to be the grammar police here, but it was difficult to determine the wording on this part:

    "You will be given two inputs a word and an array with words."

    Please consider using:

    "You will be given two inputs: 1) a word, and 2) an array with words" or something similar.

    The original wording is difficult to read, and it took me a few attempts (as a very new learner) to figure out what it was stating.

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    C, C++, and Java translations. Please review.

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    [C#] Says that you should return an array when function is actually expecting a list

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    It should be noted in the description of the challenge that the tests check for
    order of the your words in the list. I've got a solution but need to redo it
    because I've got the words in different order and it won't pass some of the tests.

    Either make a note in the description saying the resulting list needs to be
    in specified order or make the test order-insensitive.

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    Somebody know how solve this kata via RegExp? I broke my mind, pls help))))

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