@author: do not publish a kata without random tests. also, read ( all! ) available documentation before trying again.
No Random Tests
Phyton, Sample Tests: It looks like you missed ')' in the first test case
No they don't, you're looking at the incomplete JS version.
the task wants us to return true / false, but the random tests want an array
I didn't notice the Python version. You have a ghost JS version that should be removed ( or corrected ).
( JS )
No submit tests
No example tests
No initial code
What do we return when people in the bus < paid fares ?
Description could do with some formatting. It's a wall of flat text right now.
Loading collection data...
: do not publish a kata without random tests. also, read ( all! ) available documentation before trying again.retired
No Random Tests
Phyton, Sample Tests: It looks like you missed ')' in the first test case
No they don't, you're looking at the incomplete JS version.
the task wants us to return true / false, but the random tests want an array
I didn't notice the Python version. You have a ghost JS version that should be removed ( or corrected ).
( JS )
No submit tests
( JS )
No example tests
( JS )
No initial code
What do we return when people in the bus < paid fares ?
Description could do with some formatting. It's a wall of flat text right now.