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    I'm sure that u are creating a new node with Node(pos), a node with default values like passable = True, to access to a node in the grid just pos.position or pos.passable.

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    I think the description would look a lot cleaner with Conditional rendering.


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    The python's version of this Kata should be rewrite. The implementation of the Node class is not specified. what's more, the Node class is nearly meaningless and increases difficulty unnecessarily. It would be much better to change the way the graph is stored.

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    well i know im the dumb here, but this katas description is just way off.

    • no mention about the Node class
    • no description about its attributes
      the node.position returns no valuable information, at least for dumb me.
      the node.passable returns true for every position.. great invention..

    def find_shortest_path(grid, start_node, end_node):

    for line in grid:
        for pos in line:
            node = Node(pos)
            print(node.position, node.passable)






    (0,0) True
    (0,1) True
    (0,2) True
    (0,3) True
    (0,4) True
    (1,0) True
    (1,1) True
    (1,2) True
    (1,3) True
    (1,4) True
    (2,0) True
    (2,1) True
    (2,2) True
    (2,3) True
    (2,4) True
    (3,0) True
    (3,1) True
    (3,2) True
    (3,3) True
    (3,4) True
    (4,0) True
    (4,1) True
    (4,2) True
    (4,3) True
    (4,4) True

    how im supposed to know which node is truelly passable?

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    I guess you are refering to the Haskell version of this kata (it's important to always say the langauge you are using). I have not solved this kata in Haskell so I have no idea about the design of the tests. Unfortunately, changing it would invalidate all submitted solutions, which is an eventuality rejected as much as possible. So I'm sorry but you have to do with it.

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    The massive test (only) gives me the following error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 87, in <module>
        test.assert_equals(sorted_string, list(sort(test_string_gen)), "Failed to sort a massive set of random words.")
      File "/workspace/default/", line 3, in sort
      File "/workspace/default/", line 11, in f
        for i in range(0,len(L),2):
    TypeError: object of type 'itertools.chain' has no len()

    That means some tests don't pass a list, which contradicts the description: Write a sort function that will sort a massive list of strings in caseless, lexographic order.

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    Hello. I need help. I believe I'm missing some important fundamentals here and the question is dumb, but I can't get the data.

    If I write "return grid" it returns plain list of coordinates without any other data. So I see something like [[(0,0),(0,1),..],[(1,1),(1,2),...]etc] instead of the expected matrix blueprint.
    I know how to do it if the function takes the matrix itself, but I don't understand what am I suppose to do with plain list of coordinates.
    So, help, please tell me what am I doing wrong.

    For the record: I believe using "blueprint = grid1_blueprint" in the function must work but it returns an error.

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    I don't think that this should be 3kyu.. there are a plenty of very similar katas rated 4kyu

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    Oh no, it's worse. For some reason author flips labyrinth 90 degrees from it's string representation. Why?

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    there is too much text in stdout or stderr

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    The "massive" input is only 83681 elements long even though the description says "there will be hundreds of thousands of words to sort". I think the test cases were changed at some point to be lighter but now you can pass them with any sub-O(n^2) algorithm (in fact, a pure C O(n^2) algorithm works too).

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    All words will be between 1 and 8 characters long

    The maximum word length is actually 5 characters.

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