I am only including the ones that have a signature, do you think I should remove all functions which have 0 mandatory positional arguments, or leave it as it is (i.e. include ones that have 0 mandatory positional arguments but excluding ones without signatures)?
I have same problem.
"Checkmate (often shortened to mate) is any game position in chess and other chess-like games in which a player's king is in check (threatened with capture) and there is no possible escape."
Where's the catch?
Thanks scarecrw! I added more random tests for both positive and negitive test cases, and validated that they are not returning false positives. Same with the other languages as well.
You linked to "proposals", is this still in beta?
fixed there
Resolved :)
I am only including the ones that have a signature, do you think I should remove all functions which have 0 mandatory positional arguments, or leave it as it is (i.e. include ones that have 0 mandatory positional arguments but excluding ones without signatures)?
Addressed! Got em fixed up in both C# and Python. Hopefully that prevents the issue going forward.
Oof, thanks for the heads up! I'll do that ASAP.
Thanks for the feedback! I clarified the meaning of smallest, and changed index to position.
I have same problem.
"Checkmate (often shortened to mate) is any game position in chess and other chess-like games in which a player's king is in check (threatened with capture) and there is no possible escape."
Where's the catch?
I believe this is resolved
Ahh gotcha that makes perfect sense! thank you this was my first authored Kata so I will keep that in mind
Thanks scarecrw! I added more random tests for both positive and negitive test cases, and validated that they are not returning false positives. Same with the other languages as well.
Done :) thx!
should be okay now (still old reference tho)
I mean thats the same since you always add/substract n which is the current iteration. But I'm fine with changing it if that makes it clearer :)
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