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    Because replaceAll requires Node v15+. Please mark your post as having spoiler content next time.

  • Custom User Avatar

    That's because the input is already a negative number and --12525220.3325 can't be converted to a number.

  • Custom User Avatar

    just open console in ur browser or jsconsole site and try. It will be working.

    ps change simple quotes to back quotes. this editor dont display it.

  • Custom User Avatar

    If you don't provide the code that's failing, how do you expect someone else to guess what it was? And it was probably wrong:

    JavaScript Completions 85820

  • Custom User Avatar

    I wrote:

    My console shows me that +’-${12525220.3325}’ is equal to -12525220.3325 But tests shows NaN

  • Default User Avatar

    wait, what? you mean that we count the time that 3m customer waits for his coffee AND the time that 3m customer waits with the 2m customer for her coffee??? in that case why don't we count the time that the 4m customers waits with the 3m customer?

  • Custom User Avatar

    You say nothing about what should be fixed, there is nothing to fix, if your code didn't pass it was not correct, it's that easy.

  • Custom User Avatar

    The kata is ok, and you passed it. What are you saying?

  • Custom User Avatar

    You forgot that the 3m customer also waits the 2 minutes it takes to brew the 2m coffee. 13 minutes is correct.