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    Great Kata!

    I spent several hours trying to solve "Tap Into Mr. Mxyzinjin's Brain" before coming here and doing this one instead.

    I'm still not sure how to solve that one, though.

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    The linked documentation was far from sufficient. I ended up having to read the source code to figure out how the encoding actually works. Once I had read the source code, the Kata was not nearly as interesting.

    I think this would be a really good Kata if the instructions included a full specification of basE91 encoding.

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    The python test cases are broken. It expected heat:27 humidity 0.48... to return True, but that should be False because humidity needs to be <= 0.4 according to the instructions.

    I actually ended up just submitting
    return humidity < 0.5 and heat < 36

    which passed all the tests.

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    Agreed. It's a good Kata, but definitely not a 4. Way to easy for 4.