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    Because you can't do [1 1]. And I have already explained it in the post above yours.

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    1 x 1 = 1, that is why it should be in there. The number and itself happens to be a divisor. There's also no special criteria that says the array of divisors has to be unique.

    The example provided in the description of the kata for the number 246:
    [1, 246, 2, 123, 3, 82, 6, 41]

    1 x 246 = 246
    2 x 123 = 246
    3 x 82 = 246
    6 x 41 = 246

    Makes sense, since all the numbers are in the array.

    When we try to produce the first step for number "1":
    1 x 1 = 1

    It should produce [1,1].

    Can you mention why it shouldn't be [1,1]?

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    schanjr why do you say?

    Divisors of 1 are [1,1]

    There is only one divisor of 1 and that's 1, why do you write it twice there?

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    Buddy, just because people can (and did) hardcode solutions to solve this issue, doesn't mean your kata doesn't have an issue.

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    It got marked as Best Practices, but here the idea is to solve it yourself instead of using libraries...

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    Not a kata issue. Before posting issues look at the top of the page: 433 people passed the Ruby kata (out of 18127). If there were errors in the kata someone would have seen them before you. Cheers.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Probably the best solution here in terms of algorithm. The one that got upvoted the most looks prettiest.

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    Blows my mind everytime I see a short solution like this.

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    It's linear, so it scales ok. Sure it's not optimized for very different lengths case, but optimized != best practice.

    Best practice is right compromise between optimization and code clarity.

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    short solution is what I would say, but not Best Practices. Does not scale well if one list is a lot longer than the other one. It would store too much into the memory.

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    From my understanding, your "copy" just means creating separate memory address, and not referencing to the original object directly.
    Your instructions can be challenging for those without CS major.

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    I actually never knew this. This is about 25% faster than the traditional method of 2 ** 5. Going to treasure this nugget of knowledge forever.