It is not taken into account that there can only be one boss, if there are two people with the same name at a meeting and this name is the name of the boss, then we will get double scoring for both.
why isn't that helping? is that still the information you're looking for or something else?
ask specific things. if you failed to google, then google better xd - include the language, avoid special characters
Īn Java (and many other programming languages), ^ denotes the boolean "exclusive or" or "xor" function. A xor B is equivalent to (A or B) and not (A and B), or in English "one or the other but not both".
"Keep it simple, stupid" is a mantra in software design, not actually calling anyone stupid. Also, you're replying to a comment which is over 2 years old...
It is not taken into account that there can only be one boss, if there are two people with the same name at a meeting and this name is the name of the boss, then we will get double scoring for both.
Is this faster?
I understood nothing, but guess it's clever)
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True best practices
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Go to stack overflow if you want to actively be unhelpful.
why isn't that helping? is that still the information you're looking for or something else?
ask specific things. if you failed to google, then google better xd - include the language, avoid special characters
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Īn Java (and many other programming languages),
denotes the boolean "exclusive or" or "xor" function.A xor B
is equivalent to(A or B) and not (A and B)
, or in English "one or the other but not both".I am wondering - what does '^' do in the second if statement? Does it work the same way like '&&'?
Mine was a lot like this, but I only defined isEven. I really should have commited xD
You are right. It should not raise an exception.
Luckily the tests don't contain invalid chars, so this solution passes.
How can this be the highest rated solution if it doesn't even ignore invalid chars?
"Keep it simple, stupid" is a mantra in software design, not actually calling anyone stupid. Also, you're replying to a comment which is over 2 years old...
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