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    one line and one stream, pretty good

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    for test "e e e e DDD ddd DdD: ddd ddd aa aA Aa, bb cc cC e e e"
    Exist differents solution that are correct according to the descrption. Not only --> ["e", "ddd", "aa"]
    the same for test "'a 'A 'a' a'A' a'a'!"
    if we are considering the order on the answers ["'a", "a'a'", "'a'"] or ["a'a'", "'a", "'a'"] i think we can also consider to have ["a'a'", "'a'", "'a"]

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    I think that test for odd characters is wrong, it says: "For input "∞§fi›fl∞§" ==> expected: <fi>". I understand it is letter "F" and "i" as output, if so, then letter "F" is repeated and the expected result should be leter "i"
