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    Good kata! One thing seemed wrong to me: (using python)
    On December 22, one entrant had an ID that expired on Dec 16 1982, so I denied entry. That was marked as incorrect. Apparently, a document is only expired if its expiration date is November 22 or earlier, regardless of what day it is currently.
    It seems strange that the test would go out of its way to change the date with each new bulletin, but not expect the code to increment the date for expired documents.
    Does that sound like an issue to anyone else?

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    That last one's harder than this one, because it includes negatives and decimals.

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    dang... guess i didn't search hard enough

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    That works, I guess there's no real reason it shouldn't be allowed.
    I ranked it as a 6 because I was picturing it as a kind of beginner recursion practice, but I can see how other solutions could be significantly simpler.

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    Good point. Is there a way to check whether the user uses that function?

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    I think the term 'quotient' in the description should be changd to 'coefficient'.