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    Not an issue.

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    There may be something wrong with my code, but this test case is correct. The exercise is, by design, rather vague. That's why the description ends with "figure out the rest from the given test cases".

    That being said, the reason for this particular test case expecting False is explicitely mentioned in the description.

    Try to put the letters on top of each other as in the description. Does it work?

    Let me know if you need hints. :-)

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    still this bug isn't fixed... btw, nice kata

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    I have problem, cause I get weird error:
    codewars can't be created from code and wasr
    Expected: False
    But was: True
    with I think is sth wrong with your code

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    The expected and actual are swapped around, so your code is returning "N ffns bt,\nr wrtng s mng th wrst 'v vr rd" and the expected is "N ffns bt,\nYr wrtng s mng th wrst 'v vr rd".

    "Y" is not a vowel. Do not include this.

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    So i have this kind od problem, that you program isn't working good, cause in my vovels I have specified y("aeiouy"), and even tho I get error:
    Expected: "N ffns bt,\nr wrtng s mng th wrst 'v vr rd"
    But was: "N ffns bt,\nYr wrtng s mng th wrst 'v vr rd"
    Expected string length 16 but was 17. Strings differ at index 6.
    Expected: "Wht r , cmmnst?"
    But was: "Wht r y, cmmnst?"
    Weird thing is that another vovels are removed as you see :)