  • Custom User Avatar

    Well, these instructions are not clear enough and could be updated with the example given by you to make it understandable.
    Thank you, anyway.

  • Custom User Avatar

    How comes that the result for "$aaabbbccddd_!jJpqlQx_.///yYabababhii_" should be equal to 25, if the count of the unique alphanumerical chars for this string is equal to 12?
    How comes that the other expected results are way larger than the length of the max possible palindrome from an alphanumerical string (36*2)?

  • Custom User Avatar

    Love this one!
    Feeling so dumb, especially when seeing this:

    letter.toLowerCase() <= 'm'

  • Custom User Avatar

    Examples works fine, but suite returns this:

    Passed: 0 Failed: 0

    solution: virtual void POSTFIX::TESTS(): Assertion `to_postfix(infix) == postfix' failed.

  • Custom User Avatar

    You have received this error?
    If yes, I've got the same problem.

    // solution: virtual void POSTFIX::TESTS(): Assertion `to_postfix(infix) == postfix' failed.