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    With s = "lpllmdokuhqokgkmwyrfuzzcjgozlkqiqmhgdmvopiqkdlppqxjwyiyvhbchfvvsr": 3 should equal 5

    Can anyone help me to find 5?

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    second test is "ukraine" + "e" + "e" + "e"?

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    It turns out that the fruits 'rottenrotten' and 'unroten' should be replaced by '' and 'un'?

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    Imagine there's a planet with a fruit called 'rotten', 'unrotten', 'rottenbanana' or 'rottenrotten'
    Most of the solutions presented will not pass such a test, because the test does not contain examples with 'rotten' without camelcase or containing 'rotten' but not starting with 'rotten'.

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    Imagine there's a planet with a fruit called 'rotten'. that would break your code.

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    it's can't pass ['rottenrotten', 'berotten']

    "The rotten fruit name will be in this camelcase (rottenFruit)"

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    это потому, что они забыли включить в тест Pig "latin" is cool...

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    The task could have been more difficult if the tests had included such an example:
    Pig "latin" is cool...

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    Because they passed all the tests

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    I think the problem could use at least one more example. and from the above, it seems that the letters should go in a row, but judging from the tests and the discussion, this is not the case.


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    please add this example to explain this line 'The glass representation may be larger or smaller. If a liquid doesn't fill a row, it floats to the top and to the left.'

    { {
    { 'H', 'H', 'W', 'O' }, { 'O','O','O','W' },
    { 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W' }, => { 'W','W','W','W' },
    { 'H', 'H', 'O', 'O' } { 'H','H','H','H' }
    } }

    it can be understood as

    { {
    { 'H', 'H', 'W', 'O' }, { 'O','O','O', '' },
    { 'W', '', '', '' },
    { 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W' }, => { 'W','W','W','W' },
    { 'H', 'H', 'O', 'O' } { 'H','H','H','H' }
    } }


    { {
    { 'H', 'H', 'W', 'O' }, { 'W','O','O','O' },
    { 'W', 'W', 'W', 'W' }, => { 'W','W','W','W' },
    { 'H', 'H', 'O', 'O' } { 'H','H','H','H' }
    } }

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    Should be able to handle one row
    !: [['O'], ['A'], ['W'], ['H']] should equal [['O', 'A', 'W', 'H']]
    Completed in 0.03ms
