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    Syntax error in starting code: const newWeirdObject => () => ({}) should be const newWeirdObject = () => ({})

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    The spec is incomplete from the description alone (what values to start at?). We're not supposed infer the specs from the sample tests, at least not in this kata ;-)

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    Needs random tests.

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    Maybe have some examples in the description? Here'd be a revised version:

    Jack and Jill invented a cipher: each letter's char code is converted in the ternary number system (radix=3) and their digits *(trigits?)* are bumped by one (`0` → `1`, `1` → `2`, `2` → `3`). The transformed characters are then separated by a vertical beam (`|`).
    For instance: `Hello` becomes `3311|21313|22111|22111|22121` and `Such an easy kata` becomes `21113|22211|21311|21323|2123|21232|22113|2123|21313|21232|22132|22222|2123|21333|21232|22133|21232`
    You task is to write two functions: `encrypt` and `decrypt`. All test strings are guaranteed to be valid.
    Good luck, warrior!
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