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    Everything ok with the test cases? Solution is running fine on my local machine with Node v4.1.1 When I submit solution though I get NaN for the first test case, 10/13/1964 - Expected: 7, instead got: NaN. Any ideas for why it's failing?

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    I think we should offer some helpful libraries / functions / hints if a user clicks on an expansion drop down within the instructions pane under the category tags. This will help people who are completely lost on a kata, discouraging cheating.

    Solutions !can not! be unlocked for a kata level > than where you are at now. Only kata lower. Viewing solutions has a cost, of one kata completed successfully.

    Allow users to submit links to admins for solutions posted online, than can discipline users who posted. Do not discipline submitters though. Warn, discourage, penalize.

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    This isn't recursive. You are just spliting the string into an array, then reversing the array, then joining it back up. Not manipulating the string recursively.