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    Ruby 3.0 should be enabled, see this to learn how to do it

    Please organize the structure of test fixture as following (although it has been mentioned in the attached link, I'm repeated here again)

    describe "<This message should describe the categories of test groups inside this block>" do
      it "<A short message describing this test group>" do
        expect(...).to eq(...) #Assertions
        #Or Test.assert_equals(user_response, reference_response)
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    Actually, I should post it as an issue.
    PHP version is much less performance demanding than the Python version. It took over 10s for my code to deal with it in Python, while the same algorithm in PHP did it in less than 2s.
    In PHP max number in array is 1300, in Python 1000000. It's a glaring disproportion, please fix it.