Hey, you are able to go back to your previously attempted katas through your profile. Just hover over your avatar or ranking graph in the upper-right corner and select "View Profile" and then go to "Solutions" tab. You will be able to see all your solutions there - even if they're not completed.
There is also more user-friendly solution if you know that you have to go but want to return to that kata. Simply click a start sign below the name of your current kata. You can then access it by hovering your mouse over a graph with a star in top-right corner.
Hi, i wonder if ther is a way to look up a practice i started before and i had to finish and close my PC.
and if there is possibility to pause practice and returning to it .
Hey, you are able to go back to your previously attempted katas through your profile. Just hover over your avatar or ranking graph in the upper-right corner and select "View Profile" and then go to "Solutions" tab. You will be able to see all your solutions there - even if they're not completed.
There is also more user-friendly solution if you know that you have to go but want to return to that kata. Simply click a start sign below the name of your current kata. You can then access it by hovering your mouse over a graph with a star in top-right corner.
Have fun coding!
Hi, i wonder if ther is a way to look up a practice i started before and i had to finish and close my PC.
and if there is possibility to pause practice and returning to it .
thanks too mutch , and it is awesome training web
Is there a way to browse different clans?