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    ahhh....thank you very much...

    As you said, I am new I did not understand the new line part....

    Will keep this in mind from next time...

    Thanks again.

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    I posted the problem fresh again with all the details. Can this thread be deleted?

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    I am solving the ATM pin validation challenge in Python.

    The two failing tests are as below:

    Wrong output for '123
    ': True should equal False

    Wrong output for '09876
    ': True should equal False

    When I pass these parameters to my code on my jupyter notebook (I have even added space at the end and beginning etc) and I get False output....but these tests are saying my code returned True...not able to understand what is actually getting passed and not able to test the code for those inputs...

    Any help will be appreciated...


  • Custom User Avatar

    sorry...should have done that...

    I am solving the ATM pin validation challenge in Python.

    The two failing tests are as below:

    Wrong output for '123
    ': True should equal False

    Wrong output for '09876
    ': True should equal False

    When I pass these parameters to my code on my jupyter notebook (I have even added space at the end and beginning etc) and I get False output....but these tests are saying my code returned True...not able to understand what is actually getting passed and not able to test the code for those inputs...

    Any help will be appreciated...


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    The code I have written runs perfectly fine when I click on "Run Sample tests" but fails on two counts when I click on "Attempt"...

    Also, the failure cases run perfectly fine when I run the code with the two inputs on my own computer....

    How do I get round this problem?