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    Less lines is not equal best practise.
    Python in expecially has a best practise for readability!
    PEP 8
    Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.

    Which basically means: The closer you get to the 79 the less is it best practise.
    Just because you could does not mean you should

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    Hello Adrian,
    It was not my intention to critisize the code so please do not take it personally. There are multiple returns and operations that could have been expressed in less lines.
    Being level 4 yourself, aren't you suprised that 40 people consider that coding as "best practices"?

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    I like how people can criticism but they can't even write what are the problems and help others to grow. Yes this is a bad solution and i made it on the beggining of my journey of programming but this comment can't help others to learn. If you can't help then just do your own thing my friend. There are some people who could write a nice description what can be improved on some other solutions and i think this is how it should work.

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    I am surprised this has 40 votes for best practices