Minor suggestion: without the list brackets, it's a generator expression, and is a little more efficient. Consuming the generator into a list isn't necessary.
So just trying to clarify it for myself, you don't need to use "CASE WHEN" in this case? If you just write that inequality, the new column will automatically contain either "true" or "false"? Thanks in advance.
Hmm, arr is a pointer to a const integer, good use of arr here.
very clever indeed
to be clear, this is not the best solution as it uses O(n^2 log n) time; Blind4Basics solution is better.
What's the point of the r? I did basically the same thing except without the r, and it worked fine.
Minor suggestion: without the list brackets, it's a generator expression, and is a little more efficient. Consuming the generator into a list isn't necessary.
yes, comparison operators yield booleans in PostgreSQL
So just trying to clarify it for myself, you don't need to use "CASE WHEN" in this case? If you just write that inequality, the new column will automatically contain either "true" or "false"? Thanks in advance.
I always forget that the ternary exists
wow this was a clever and concise solution!
not vlever
Best solution
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