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    -1.974601 -4.774909 1.383638 3.097851 -3.026144 -2.86002 / -4.7551 -2.900084 * -1.547656 -0.780892 -3.677139 + 0.717859 1.066692 -0.518145 / 4.688848 -1.288257 0.809176 / -2.604618 -3.086927 + 1.89664 -4.200366 / 4.064245 0.915719 -0.793963 * -0.10535 -0.978846 * 3.169111 3.860258 -0.143994 + 2.20176 1.427602 -0.915846 -4.208106 * -1.736278 -2.259711 * - 0.814604 -4.978728 3.502684 -2.535935 * 2.094942 3.789783 - * 1.633818 2.889421 -3.827803 - -1.202635 2.846936 * -4.317817 -1.930505 2.991655 + 3.078052 -0.327564 * -0.89409 -0.178186 + -3.642456 * *

    Hey is this correct string? In my opinion if ( number of operators != number of numbers + 1 ) expression is invaid but program expect correct value here? Is this bug??? Tried in php.

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    Hey, i still have problem with random tests, all previous test works but the random one gives me an error. I do not why but i reveive as output array with more than 60 elements but should by 1. Should i add some check? Is this correct output? Or i should just add algorythm that works also from right to left?