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    I'm trying this in python and am having trouble getting the learned words list to clear in between test cases. As a result I return false instances of 'already know this word' when the list should have been cleared. Can anyone point me in the right direction to get the list cleared inbetween test cases?

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    I'm using python and cannot figure out how to get the list i'm using to store the words when the add word function is called and as a result I keep getting false Trues when the list should have been reset for the next test case. Can anyone plesae give me a tip as to how I would clear the list in between test cases so I don't return false positives?

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    If I understand the challenge - we want to return how many cubes would not be visible. So for example in the test case of 4 there are 64 blocks (4 width X 4 height X 4 deep) and 8 of those cubes would fall in the interior not visible from the outside. If that is accurate I'm getting an error on the test case of 15 - the test case said I should get an answer of 27, which is way too low for a 15 X 15 X 15 cube.

    Can anyone help me understand where I am misunderstanding the ask?