  • Custom User Avatar

    The tests apply several ranks to your class in order, so the end result of the progress will not always be only the progress gained from that rank application.

    In this example it seems you had a User object in the state where the rank was -7 and the progress was 70. So that when a rank of -4 was applied you are intended to gain 90 progress, rank up to rank -6 and have 60 progress remaining.

  • Default User Avatar

    Make sure you're accounting for the difference in ranks. Remember that there is no rank 0;

  • Custom User Avatar

    The abs of 4-7 is 3, 10x3x3 = 90... What I get: testValidSingleRankProgression(-4,-7,60)
    Test Failed
    Applied Rank; -4; Expected progress: 60, Actual: 0
    Expected: True
    But was: False