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    AttributeError: module 'sys' has no attribute 'stdout'

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    This kata really is just linear regression because all tested datasets are linear, hence makes it a duplicate of

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    Python issue: function name is match, which becomes a reversed keyword in Python 3.11.

    • rename match to match_ in referee code and sample test
    • use the following template at the beginning of the referee section to be retro-compatible
    except NameError:
        match_ = match
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    looks like the tests are way too much tight. I'm sure I have the required time complexity and yet, I time out on the big test.

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    Very small suggestion - in details section the input is repeatedly referred to as matrix and is referred to as matrix in the example tests also (presumably leftover from old version of kata).

    The size of the matrix (an integer) is referred to as M in the details.

    However in the final version of the kata, the function find_sum uses argument m rather than matrix which is confusing after reading the description.

    Suggestion: change the use of the M in details to e.g. S to refer to the S x S size of the square matrix, m , that will be used in the kata.

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    Error-margin Tests are not debuggable!

    They do not reflect by how much my model deviates from the expected result. The output is just Error to big..


    1. The upper limit of the RSME you use in the test cases should be clarified in the kata description
    2. or a failed test should print by how much the error margin was overstepped
    3. or a failed test should print what the expected y-coordinate (± error_margin) was
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    Is this problem a variation of a well known category of problems?

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    This non-solution takes more than 10 seconds, and sometimes times out:

    def program(lst, n):
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    Hello, this kata is bugged.
    In some test cases we are expected to output twice the same value for the first and second index, while the value only appears once in the list.

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    Your task is to find 3 smallest numbers that add up to n.

    May I pick the same element twice or thrice? In other words: What is the result of program([3, 2, 1], 9)? [3, 3, 3] or [-1]?

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    For "1, 3, 4, 5, 5, 8, 8, 9":
    "[1, 4, 9] should equal [1, 5, 8]"?
    What reason to take 1,5,8 instead of 1,4,9?

    4 is smaller than 5.
    8 is smaller than 9.
    1 is in both.
    So, each array has a number, that is smaller than the other.

    So what array is "smaller"?

    Why not [4,5,5]?

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