String interpolation for the win!
personally I allways prefer braces. Makes arguments for methods much more readable.
My first time seeing ternary operator in c++, didn't think it was possible
To take the previous population into account. Think of it as p0 + (p0 * percent / 100)
Why do we need to add 1 to percent / 100?
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Whew, just whew.
VERY clever. Nice job
Love the word "chuffed", looked it up and got a good laugh. Cheerio!
Nice solution.
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String interpolation for the win!
personally I allways prefer braces. Makes arguments for methods much more readable.
My first time seeing ternary operator in c++, didn't think it was possible
To take the previous population into account. Think of it as p0 + (p0 * percent / 100)
Why do we need to add 1 to percent / 100?
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Whew, just whew.
VERY clever. Nice job
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This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
Love the word "chuffed", looked it up and got a good laugh. Cheerio!
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Nice solution.
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