Easiest puzzle of the series, probably because the pattern is more visible than the others but I haven't tried them all yet.
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This is a true one liner. I applaud you sir!
It's a one in a hundred chance you win by changing nothing, the odds increse the more you attempt.
I know this is late, but the kata defines 0 as the 1st fibonnaci number.
This one, among others, actually requires some thought for a 7kyu. Very good kata, I'm surprised the satisfaction rating went below 90%.
I love it when these kata take less than half a minute.
Yeah I don't know why I added +1 at the beggining of a range either, but it worked.
Easy solve, no failures in less than a minute. I don't think this is a level 7.
I honestly did not think of anything this clean.
Takes a google search to solve at most.
I was wondering why my solution for the million nth fibonacci was not working for this case. Thanks for introducing me to cache before I learned it in class.
I was thinking the same thing writing this. I should archive this, and think of something more interesting with challenge.
Hi, Thank you for testing my kata. I am completely new to programing test cases, I still need more direction on how to implement them.
I will fix the description.
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Easiest puzzle of the series, probably because the pattern is more visible than the others but I haven't tried them all yet.
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This is a true one liner. I applaud you sir!
It's a one in a hundred chance you win by changing nothing, the odds increse the more you attempt.
I know this is late, but the kata defines 0 as the 1st fibonnaci number.
This one, among others, actually requires some thought for a 7kyu.
Very good kata, I'm surprised the satisfaction rating went below 90%.
I love it when these kata take less than half a minute.
Yeah I don't know why I added +1 at the beggining of a range either, but it worked.
Easy solve, no failures in less than a minute.
I don't think this is a level 7.
I honestly did not think of anything this clean.
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
Takes a google search to solve at most.
I was wondering why my solution for the million nth fibonacci was not working for this case.
Thanks for introducing me to cache before I learned it in class.
I was thinking the same thing writing this. I should archive this, and think of something more interesting with challenge.
Thank you for testing my kata.
I am completely new to programing test cases, I still need more direction on how to implement them.
I will fix the description.
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