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    Suggestion received. I didn't notice it. Thanks for your observation. It will be fixed in five minutes. Thanks for your time solving this kata.

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    First of all, thanks for this kata :D.

    I'm reading the Details of this exercise and I want to comment the wording. In the first phrase, we can read this:

    We want to find the numbers above 1000 that the sum of every four consecutives digits

    Now, I'm not a native english speaker, but I understand above 1000 here as «numbers > 1000». But later, in an example:

    (1) -There are 11 found numbers: 1000, 1001, 1002, 1010, 1011, 1020,...

    So... It's my understanding bad and above means «equal or greater than» instead of «greater than» (my dictionary also prefers this last meaning)? Or is this actually asking for «the numbers above 999» instead of «the numbers above 1000»? ;). I ask this because, of course, it's an important detail for solving the exercise. Actually, with those examples, I think the solutions are wrong, because they doesn't fit the instructions in that point. Maybe you should change the «above» for a «greater than» or something similar.

    I will include 1000 just because the examples and, I suspect, the tests are setted that way, but I believe that «above» is incorrect.

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    I guess this comment was unnoticed :þ. I just saw that «primes» in the spec and I guessed it should be a mistake :þ.