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    Looks fixed.

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    Same here, had to switch to Ruby to complete the Kata :(

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    I was getting this error too....

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    I was getting this error:

    Should fizzify a random positive integer (1~100) correctly
    ReferenceError: fizzify is not defined
      at fizzbuzzRandom
      at Test.describe
      at Object.<anonymous>

    and I could not fiure out the answer. I even ended up deleteing my visible code test. (oops!) I still did not find a way to reset or bring back the original test code. BUT I did figure out that seeing the test code does not matter to the testing conditions.

    To any coders who are in the same spot. You can still solve this problem: The hint is fizzify is not defined and you can enter this code in the solution window not the test case window.