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    Could anyone please point me (pun not intended) in the right direction? What sort of material and topics do I need to learn before being able to solve this? (C++)

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    hi! first 3 test is working, 4th is working on visual studio, but i constatly get 'IndexOutOfRangeException' for the 5th test. Nonetheless, it is still unclear what to to for ',' if input is empty?

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    This thing broke while loops.

    I decrement var i in while(){}.
    When it reenters while, (because of the condition) i is the value before.

    The increment is somewhere far below the while loop.

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    So ladies and gentlemen...

    In one of the tests I get the following

    Expected: equal to "1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55"
    actual: ""

    How am I supposed to guess where the problem is? How should I understand which Brainf**k language command was used? How should I understand whether the string was supplemented with some characters or not (unless, of course, I need to know this at all)

    Your options, dear)

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    For c++ the first testcase is ,+[-.,+] this calls , on an exhausted input

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    Kata Update

    • Update to node v18.x
    • Used chai for assertion
    • Disallow require
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    I don't understand the task. The inputs are string of code that does xyz, I understand. Byte array from the String also given as input which you use only when , code is reached?? Everything else, I don't. Am I supposed to initalise a byte list/array and use this with the data pointer? Or is that from the String input??

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    [Clojure] Description says to assume that , will never be invoked when input stream is exhausted, but there is a test for "insufficient input" that is just "," with an empty string as input.

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    (Brainfuck translation): No (proper) random tests.

    Additionally, the rank of BF translation of this kata is too low, it should be at least 4kyu. This probably has not been noticed before, because except for one other solution besides mine, ALL solutions (including the reference solution) are direct copies from someone elses work on an external website. A BF version of this task should be standalone, and should not be designed to perfectly match an existing online solution, just so that the reference solution can be lazily copied.

    This translation should be nuked.

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    The description says:

    "Your memory tape should be large enough - the original implementation had 30,000 cells but a few thousand should suffice for this Kata"
    "The memory pointer should initially point to a cell in the tape with a sufficient number (e.g. a few thousand or more) of cells to its right."

    However in C# at least, no test case requires more than 15 memory cells. Even if using the same memory tape for all tests without ever clearing it or winding it back, only 24 cells are needed. If this is intentional, the description's references to requiring thousands of cells should probably be changed

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    when testing, only one case alert that "IndexError: list index out of range". I can't figure out why it occurs.My logic of the problem, circulating the list, judging each neighbours, set a empty list which same size with the test one, change newlist's number. This works in three cases,except glider. Says the newlist list index out of range. could anyone give me a hand?

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